2 January 2020
Vol. 12 N.1
Drugs that can do the impossible
Saenz S.
Community pharmacy as an information source about the air quality of cities. About an opinion study
López-Gil JC, Carreter-Garnica MC, Ordóñez-Iriarte JM.
Types of treatments prescribed in a group of diabetic patients in a community pharmacy
Sáez-Fernández E, Risoto-Baena A, Pozas-Guerrero AI, Cabrera-Castilla L, Cejudo-Nieto S, Baena-Mira F.
Special article
Complementary prescription: a fraud or a necessity?
Satué E, Jaraiz I, Agustín E, Martínez A.
Case Reports
Approaching patients' smoking cessation as early as in community pharmacies. The 'CESAR' Program
Gómez-Martínez JC, Tejedor-García N, García-Pastor C.
Assessment of the knowledge and skills of Pharmacy graduates: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
Calatayud-Pascual MA, Balaguer-Fernández C, Salar-Ibáñez L, Moreno-Royo L, López-Castellano A.


Manual for authors

Journal Information