Farm Comunitarios. 2020 Mar 06;12(1):17-21. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2020/Vol12).001.03

Types of treatments prescribed in a group of diabetic patients in a community pharmacy

Sáez-Fernández E1, Risoto-Baena A2, Pozas-Guerrero AI3, Cabrera-Castilla L3, Cejudo-Nieto S2, Baena-Mira F2
1. Doctora en Ciencias Farmacéuticas. 2. Licenciada en Farmacia. 3. Auxiliar.
Sáez-Fernández E, Risoto-Baena A, Pozas-Guerrero AI, Cabrera-Castilla L, Cejudo-Nieto S, Baena-Mira F. Types of treatments prescribed in a group of diabetic patients in a community pharmacy. Farm Comunitarios. 2020 Mar 06;12(1):17-21. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2020/Vol12).001.03
Abstract : 

Objective: To determine the percentage of patients who are prescribed treatment for diabetes mellitus, type of treatment and comparison with the Plan Integral Diabetes (Junta Andalucía). 

Methods: The study included all patients who accessed the Felisa Baena Pharmacy Linares (Jaen) and wanted to facilitate complete treatment (n = 500). Through an observational study the type of treatment of patients and the relationship with the Plan Integral Diabetes.

Results: It was found that 19.2  % of patients in the study had diabetes, of these, 75% were only treatable orally and 9  % only with insulin. From the results obtained it was found that 80  % of patients were prescribed metformin either in monotherapy, in combination with other oral agents or insulin. Of all patients with diabetes only 1% had prescribed glucagon and 16% test strips, well below the provisions of the Plan Integral Diabetes, which should have been in this case 47  % of patients.

Conclusions: In our environment there is a high number of patients with diabetes, metformin therapy predominating. There is a low percentage of patients who have been prescribed glucagon and test strips compared with the Plan Integral Diabetes, which poses a risk to patient health. Hence the importance of developing health programs from the pharmacy so that patients are aware how to control diabetes.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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