Farm Comunitarios. 2014 Mar 30;6(1):6-11. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2014/Vol6).001.02

The Quality of Montelukast Prescriptions in Adult Patients. A Study in three Community Pharmacies in the Valencia Region

Peris Molina MT1, Ferrer Estrela F2, d’Ocón Navaza MP3, Úbeda Pascual A4
1. Farmacéutica comunitaria. Moncada (Valencia) 2. Farmacéutico comunitario. Mislata (Valencia) 3. Doctora en Farmacia. Catedrática de Farmacología en la Universidad de Valencia 4. Doctora en Farmacia. Profesora Titular de Farmacología en la Universidad de Valencia
Peris MT, Ferrer F, d’Ocón MP, Úbeda A. The Quality of Montelukast Prescriptions in Adult Patients. A Study in three Community Pharmacies in the Valencia Region. Farm Comunitarios. 2014 Mar 30;6(1):6-11. doi: 10.5672/FC.2173-9218.(2014/Vol6).001.02
Abstract : 

Introduction: The objective of this piece of work is to analyse the use of Montelukast in adults from three community pharmacies.

Material and Methods: Descriptive, observational study in three community pharmacies (January 2009 - February 2013), in patients over the age of 15 who went to the pharmacy with a prescription for Montelukast. Their data was collected in a questionnaire (age, pathology, therapeutic regime, duration of the treatment, associated medication) and the suitability of the prescription was assessed according to the authorised indications and their adaptation to clinical practice guides. The patient was sent to the doctor when inadequate treatment was detected, to have it reviewed.

Results: 106 patients were included, of whom 26 % did not suffer from asthma and were taking Montelukast inappropriately. Of the asthmatics, 29 % of the treatments prescribed did not adapt to the recommendations given in the guides. We would highlight the high level of establishment of Montelukast as an initial treatment (59 % asthmatics, 63 % non-asthmatics), as well as the use of Montelukast in single-drug therapy (16 % asthmatics, 41 % non-asthmatics).

Conclusions: Montelukast is being used incorrectly in non-asthmatic patients with allergic rhinitis or bronchitis which could lead to a lack of clarity in the indications in some guides. In addition, in asthmatic patients, Montelukast is not always being used according to the recom­mendations in the clinical guides, which shows the need for clearer information for health professionals about the role of Montelukast in current therapy.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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