Farm Comunitarios. 2022 Jul 21;14(3):15-21. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2022/Vol14).003.03

Adverse effects of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in community pharmacists from Pontevedra

Andrés-Rodríguez NF1, Fornos-Pérez JA2, Busto-Domínguez I3, Mera-Gallego R4, García-Rodríguez P5, Carrera-Pérez-de-Juan MD6, León-Rodríguez L7, Mera-Gallego I8, Acuña-Ferradanes A
1. Doctor en Farmacia. Grupo Berbés de Investigación y Docencia. 2. Doctor en Farmacia. Farmacéutico comunitario en Cangas do Morrazo (Pontevedra). Grupo Berbés de Investigación y Docencia. 3. Departamento técnico del Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Pontevedra. Grupo Berbés de Investigación y Docencia. 4. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Vigo. Grupo Berbés de Investigación y Docencia 5. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Cangas do Morrazo (Pontevedra). Grupo Berbés de Investigación y Docencia. 6. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Vigo. Grupo Berbés de Investigación y Docencia. 7. Doctora en Farmacia. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Ourense. Grupo Berbés de Investigación y Docencia. 8. Farmacéutica comunitaria en Maella (Zaragoza). Grupo Berbés de Investigación y Docencia.
Andrés-Rodríguez NF, Fornos-Pérez JA, Busto-Domínguez I, Mera-Gallego R, García-Rodríguez P, Carrera-Pérez-de-Juan MD, León-Rodríguez L, Mera-Gallego I, Acuña-Ferradanes A. Adverse effects of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in community pharmacists from Pontevedra. Farm Comunitarios. 2022 Jul 21;14(3):15-21. doi: 10.33620/FC.2173-9218.(2022/Vol14).003.03
Abstract : 

Aim: To analyze suspected adverse events (AEs) caused by SARS-CoV-2 vaccines administered to community pharmacists (CP) and auxiliary personnel.

Methods. Design: Cross-sectional observational study, in February-April 2021.

Subjects: Pharmacists, technicians and auxiliaries who work in contact with the public, of legal age, vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. 

Variables: Number, type and frequency of AEs, demographic characteristics. Procedure: A formulary was enabled on the website of the Association of Pharmacists of Pontevedra. It was announced to all the associates CP of the province its existence and the convenience of completing it.

Outcomes: 167 participants, of whom 153 manifested symptoms related with reactivity to the vaccine, 122 (93.1%) women and 31 (86.1%) men. 146 (95.4%) who received Vaxzevria®, 116 (79.4%) women and 30 (20.6%) men and 7 (4.6%) who received Comirnaty®, 6 (85.7%) women and 1 (14.3%) man. 823 AEs were reported, 811 (5,3 SD=2,8 AEs, 0-12 per patient) with Vaxzevria® and 12 (0,9 SD=1,0 AEs, 0-3 per patient) with Comirnaty®. Most frequent AEs: pain at the injection site, 128 (87.7%), chills, 107 (73.3%) and muscle pain, 106 (72.6%). In all three, we found a higher proportion of women than men (p<0.01). The maximum number of AEs manifested by a participant was 12. 132 (86.3%) vaccinated who reported AEs, 106 (86.9%) women and 26 (83.9%) men, needed medication to relieve symptoms. 77 (46.1%) could not carry out their daily activities and 47 (28.1%) could not work the next day.

Conclusions: The number of AEs reported by vaccinated pharmacists and auxiliary personnel was high. Although they were not serious, they considerably affected their daily and work activity.

Editor: © SEFAC. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria. 
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